Biografije predavača – Prof. Dr. Uroš Ahčan. II Srpski senološki kongres

Prof. Dr. Uroš Ahčan graduated in 1995 from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana.

In 1999, he finished his PhD and passed the examination in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery with honours (cum laude).

From 2008 onward, he has been the Head of the University clinical department for plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic surgery in the University Clinical Centre of Ljubljana.

Prof. Dr. Uroš Ahčan is a president of Slovenian association of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons.

He is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana and currently teaches plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.

The thorough knowledge and hard work of the Ljubljana school of plastic surgery, as well as a rich tradition,

represent the basis for numerous internationally known lectures in the area of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.

In the last two years, he has visited and lectured at Georgetown University in Washington,

Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Las Vegas, Turin, Moscow, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Beograd, Dubai,

Barcelona, Prague, Copenhagen, Istanbul and other international congresses and has also performed live surgery.

Prof. Dr. Uroš Ahčan has more than 300 published items, including numerous articles, papers for conferences, books and manuals.

Predstojnik oddelka
Klinični oddelek za plastično kirurgijo in opekline
Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana

Katedra za kirurgijo
Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani

Profesor, doktor medicinskih znanosti in doktor medicine
Specialist splošne kirurgije
Specialist plastične, rekonstrukcijske in estetske kirurgije
Predsednik Slovenskega zduženje za plastično, rekonstrukcijsko in estetsko kirurgijo
Predstavnik RS v UEMS, sekciji za Plastično, rekonstrukcijsko in estetsko kirurgijo
Član številnih domačih in tujih združenj

Strokovno področje
Plastična, rekonstrukcijska in estetska kirurgija

Pedagoško delo (nosilec predmetov)
Plastična kirurgija
Nujna medicinska pomoč

Zdravniški vestnik (urednik)
Endoskopska revija (član uredniškega odbora)
Medicina danes (član uredniškega odbora)

The Breast
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Zdravniški vestnik
Zdravstveno varstvo

Vabljeni predavatelj na številnih strokovnih srečanjih doma in v tujini.
Avtor številnih strokovnih prispevkov v uglednih mednarodnih revijah in avtor knjig.
Vodja raziskovalne skupine in nosilec več raziskovalnih projektov.