Datum održavanja: 15-17 September 2022.
Mesto održavanja: ostrvo Rodos, Grčka
Abstract Submission Deadline: 16/04/2022
Special Early Registration Deadline: 10/01/2022
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that, we are inviting you to the “21st S.I.S. World Congre
ss on Breast Cancer and Breast Healthcare”, which will take place in Rhodes island-Greece on 15-17 September 2022, at Rodos Palace International Conference Center.The core framework of the Congress will be the Scientific Program, which has been developed by a dedicated Scientific Committee.
The 21st S.I.S. World Congress in Rhodes will help all attending delegates and participants to advance their knowledge and navigate the complex world of today’s most effective initiatives and best practices across the full spectrum of Breast Cancer and Breast Healthcare.
Join us for the 21st S.I.S. World Congress and you will not regret it.
Best wishes,
Više informacija na linku: https://event.concopco.com/ cms/21st-SIS-congress/home- 21st-SIS-congress